Looking back on your college career, how would you describe your experience? How would you say that this experience of yours has shaped you on and off the field?
Overall, my collegiate career was a choice I would take again and again. I will never regret taking this path and spending the last 4 years playing in the United States. It was an experience that included a lot more than just volleyball. I learned a lot throughout this experience and I also got an amazing education during it. Personally, because of the fact that my role on the university's team was very demanding, it gave me the opportunity to shape my character even more on and off the court.
Tell us a few words about your graduation ceremony…
Graduation day was very emotional to say the least. I think every college student looks forward to their graduation. During the graduation ceremony, years of studying and lots of sacrifices are finally rewarded. I believe I can speak for a lot of other Greek players, who also sacrificed a lot by taking this big step to come to the United States to play their sport and study. I am very grateful to have been able to experience something like this.
How would you describe your experience with Nomos?
My experience with Nomos has been excellent. The nomos team and especially M. Tassos Kabourakis were always by my side with anything I needed during my time in the United States. They are also people that I can trust with a lot of other things, outside of volleyball. We shared a lot of great memories and I am looking forward to continuing to do so in the future.
With the preparations for your new trip, what are you most looking forward to?
One thing I am looking forward to the most regarding this new journey of my volleyball career is to enjoy every moment as much as possible. Furthermore, the fact that I will have the chance to learn about new cultures and being able to consistently play after going through an injury.
What are your goals for the future?
One of my goals for the future is to be able to compete within some of the strongest leagues in Europe, but for right now I want to focus on this next step I will be taking