Patience is the trait of champions... and Shannon was the Champion of Patience in this intense and stressful midyear transfer season... After being offered an opportunity to don colors of a strong and historic Sultan's League club, only for the offer to be pulled at the 11th hour, and being forced to wait until the last day of CEV transfers this January, Shannon prevailed and is now granted a terrific opportunity to lead and play for a club, whose people truly adore the game, their community, and have embraced Green Bay's alumna with the utmost professionalism, respect, genuine appreciation, and love for all she is and all she brings to the beautiful island of Cyprus! And this young lady brings a lot... Unadulterated passion and healthy attitude toward the game, true gratitude for this opportunity, and an inimitable work ethic, legendary in the gyms of our Great US Midwest. Her athleticism is only second to her inspiring mentality. This young girl from Ohio, minted at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, was well groomed and prepared herself for pro volleyball and this outstanding opportunity! Now this young lady is ready for the next step, and we can't wait to enjoy her new journey. Onward Shannon, shine bright in Cyprus